Ep.243 - Daniel Nemes Interdimensional Photos

In 2017, an individual named Daniel Nemes claimed to have a device that could capture images of Interdimensional beings. This device was called Energivision. Over 1,000 photos of these Interdimensional beings were posted online by Daniel Nemes and then all of a sudden everything was deleted and he disappeared.


References -

First Image of interdimensional being
demon surrounded by flames 
original and negative 
original and negative 
last photo old man 
majin symbol comparison 
master roshi bonus 
original Daniel Nemes facebook post 
photo of Daniel nemes cowboy hat 
photo of Daniel last post (i miss being) 
telescope image 
CIA Document 
ink blot image 
nemes captured being image
anti aging photograph
photograph of facebook message to Daniel nemes
matrix passport

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